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Hart District Council
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Dily lane car park jubilee firlds
Dilly Lane, Hartley Wintney, Phoenix Green, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG27 8EE, United Kingdom. 15:45, Tuesday, last updated 09:16 today -
Gas leak
Fulmars Cottage, Hillside, Odiham, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG29 1HX, United Kingdom. Closed 14:19, Wednesday, last updated 09:15 today -
Dead fox in woodland
Tweseldown Infant School, Jubilee Drive, Queen Elizabeth, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU52 8DW, United Kingdom. 09:10 today -
Dead bird
Green Leys, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU52 6PN, United Kingdom. 08:24 today -
Bad parking
46 Parkhill Close, GU17 0LZ, England, United Kingdom. 12:49, 29 Apr 2023, last updated 16:58, Wednesday -
Lorry mudguard
Alton Road, Wells Hill Farm, South Warnborough, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG29 1RS, United Kingdom. 16:02, Wednesday -
Child’s car
Physique Architect Gyms, 47, Albert Street, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 3RL, United Kingdom. 12:13, Wednesday -
Barrier missing by canal
Crookham East, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 3HU, United Kingdom. 07:56, Wednesday -
Dead fox on grass verge (golf course side) of Elvetham Heath way, opposite Turstin drive
Elvetham Heath Way, Elvetham Heath, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 1GF, United Kingdom. 20:02, Tuesday -
Untaxed vehicle been parked up for 2 weeks plus.
Woodlands, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4NU, United Kingdom. 17:39, Tuesday -
Dead deer
B3011, Hazeley, Mattingley, Hound Green, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG27 8NB, United Kingdom. 15:11, Tuesday -
Abandoned car with smashed windows
Victoria Hill Road, Fleet Blue Triangle, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4LG, United Kingdom. Fixed 21:56, Monday, last updated 11:21, Tuesday -
Lots of pine needles on pavement which are slippery to walk on.
Fleet Hall Care Home, Church Road, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4NF, United Kingdom. 10:14, Tuesday -
Hole in the path - urgent
Fieldway, Calthorpe Park, Fleet, Crookham Village, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4EW, United Kingdom. 08:33, Tuesday -
Hedging dumped
Plough Lane, Bramshill, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG27 0RF, United Kingdom. 06:57, Tuesday -
Alley way (path) has no lightly causing potential danger
10, Tudor Drive, Moulsham Green, Yateley, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU46 6DB, United Kingdom. 22:40, Monday -
A lot of litter on Victoria Hill Road
Victoria Hill Road, Fleet Blue Triangle, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4LG, United Kingdom. Fixed 11:13, 15 Oct 2024, last updated 22:01, Monday -
Car park on the pavement
37, Kings Road, Fleet, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 3AF, United Kingdom. 11:52, 14 Oct 2024, last updated 17:18, Monday -
Fly tipping of Asbestos sheeting.
Totters Lane, Hook, Winchfield, Hart, Hampshire, England, RG27 8HX, United Kingdom. 14:20, Monday -
Bin overflowing
Hitches Lane, Calthorpe Park, Fleet, Pilcot, Hart, Hampshire, England, GU51 4HQ, United Kingdom. 13:23, Monday