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Debris from car fire left on roundabout

Reported via mobile in the Street sweeping category by Councillor Paul Kinge at 13:01, Thursday 8 August 2024

Sent to Hart District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6331974.

The debris has been left on the M3 junction 5 roundabout after a car fire 3 weeks ago, Hampshires contractor shut off the roundabout to sort it out for a few hours so I don’t get why the debris is still there within visual distance of the Hampshire works compound. It does make the entrance to Hook look more tatty than it is.

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  • Drove past today and WOW the mess is still on the side of the roundabout and it’s in visible distance to the compound with the manpower that were supposed to clear this mess up and drive past it how many times a day?

    Posted by Councilor Paul Kinge at 18:56, Monday 28 October 2024

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